Mastering CQB: Tactics and Principles

Project ar15 Nov 19, 2023
106 People Read
AR15 CQB Close Quarters Battle With AR15

Mastering the Art of Close Quarters Battle (CQB) with the AR-15

In the dynamic realm of Close Quarters Battle (CQB), where confined spaces and armed adversaries demand precision and agility, the AR-15 emerges as a formidable companion. Harnessing the power of this versatile weapon in CQB requires a deep understanding of the five pillars and three fundamental principles that underpin successful operations.

What Are The Five Pillars of Successful CQB?

Gaining Access

Initiating a successful operation begins with gaining access. Whether breaching a building or room, strategic access is the key to controlling the environment.

Making Entry

Once access is secured, entering the space swiftly and decisively is crucial. This requires a coordinated effort to minimize exposure and maintain the element of surprise.

Securing the Space

Establishing control over the immediate environment is the next step. This involves neutralizing threats and ensuring the safety of the team and any potential hostages.

Moving to Adjoining Spaces

CQB is a fluid operation, often requiring movement to adjoining spaces. Coordinated maneuvers ensure seamless transitions while minimizing vulnerabilities.

Command/Control of the Team

Effective leadership and communication are paramount. The team must operate cohesively under a clear command structure to adapt to evolving situations.

The Three Fundamental Principles of CQB

Surprise, Speed, and Controlled Violent Action

The success of any CQB operation hinges on the application of surprise, speed, and controlled violent action. Team members must embody these principles to achieve optimal outcomes.

What is The Role of the Point Man in CQB?

Assuming the role of the point man in CQB demands decisiveness and quick thinking. The point man is never wrong; making prompt decisions facilitates smoother coordination among team members, ensuring effective execution of tactics.

Principles of CQB Tactics

• Read and React (Initiative-based Tactics): The heart of CQB lies in the ability to read and react to unfolding situations. Decisions are based on a rapid OODA loop, allowing for quick and informed responses.

• Fill and Flow: Adapting to unexpected actions of team members is crucial. Filling in gaps created by others ensures the team remains cohesive and functional.

• The Battle of Angles: Emphasizing the importance of angles over proximity, effective CQB relies on covering and clearing potential threat areas from strategic positions.

• Head on a Swivel: Avoiding tunnel vision is imperative. Constant awareness of surroundings enables better decision-making and prevents unnecessary risks.

• Find an Area to Cover or Someone to Support: Active engagement and support, even for beginners, contribute to the overall effectiveness of the team.

• Bodies, Doors, & Hides: Prioritizing the search for threats upon entry streamlines the process—first bodies, then doors, and finally hides.

• Immediate Threats vs. Potential Threats: Prioritizing armed individuals over those presenting potential threats enhances operational efficiency.

• Cornering and Negotiating Corners: Mastering angular searches ensures a safer and more effective approach to navigating confined spaces.

• Clearing as Much as Possible from the Outside: Conducting a dynamic pie or "hitch step" before entry enhances safety by providing a partial view of the room.

• Triangulation: Creating a flexible triangle with team members aids in dividing a suspect's attention, preventing simultaneous engagement.

• Communication is Key: Clear and decisive communication is the lifeblood of successful CQB. Coordinated efforts rely on effective verbal and non-verbal cues.

Mastering CQB with the AR-15 involves a meticulous understanding of principles, tactics, and effective communication. The seamless integration of these elements ensures a well-coordinated and successful operation in the challenging and confined spaces characteristic of close-quarters combat.