Gun Safety and Shooter Etiquette

Project ar15 Oct 14, 2023
18 People Read
Ar15 safety

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Give yourself the knowledge and understanding you need.

Proper gun safety and etiquette is a topic that can't be overstressed. Reviewing the 4 basic rules of Firearms safety on a regular basis helps build good habits that keep you and others safe at the range or any time firearms are being handled or used.
1. Always treat every firearm as though it is loaded.
2. Never point a firearm at anything you're not willing to destroy.
3. Keep you finger OFF the trigger until you're ready to shoot.
4. Be SURE of your target AND what's beyond it.
If you have any doubts about loading or firing a firearm, refer to it's operation manual or seek help from someone with experience or a professional licensed instructor.

More general safety and good habits

Other habits of safe gun handling include clearing and checking the weapon for ammunition whenever a firearm comes into your possession. Proper cleaning and lubrication. And ensuring proper maintenance of the firearm with regular inspection of parts during cleaning.
Always be sure you're using the correct ammunition. Firing the wrong caliber in any firearm can have catastrophic results. If you have any doubts, check the barrel for caliber marking and check the ammunition markings around the primer to ensure the corresponding ammunition is being used. It's also a good idea to inspect ammunition when loading it. Damaged casings, primers or a set back bullet can cause a malfunction and render the firearm inoperative or even damage the weapon or the shooter by way of casing rupture or squib load (a cartridge that was fired but whose projectile did not exit the barrel). When a cartridge fails to fire when struck on the primer by the firing pin, wait 30 seconds before attempting to extract the cartridge. This is to avoid what's called a "hangfire"; A noticeable delay between the primer of a cartridge being struck and the actual discharge of the firearm. When shooting, always ensure to bring proper safety equipment including: eye protection, ear protection and gloves.

Other Important Factors to Consider

Always communicate to fellow shooters about your intentions to fire. ALWAYS be aware of your muzzle direction. Never walk ahead of another shooter. And always use caution when shooting steel targets. projectiles can ricochet upon impact with steel targets. Steel targets should be angled downward or be hung from rope or chain.   And always keep firearms and ammunition out of the reach of children. Consider buying a gun safe if you have kids.

  Also be sure to wear safety glasses while cleaning, maintaining or modifying your firearms.  Certain parts of firearms contain springs or are spring loaded and may cause injury if not properly captured upon removal. And some cleaners and lubricants are aerosol applied and have the potential to rebound and get into the eyes. Also thoroughly wash hands after handling ammunition or shooting firearms. It is important to remove the lead associated with these activities. Lead can accumulate in the body and cause serious harm.  Firearms are a fun and enriching part of American history.  Please help your fellow man become a knowledgeable and responsible gun owner and lead by example.

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